New Skills
The following is a list of new skills for the Palladium RPG system, that have been devised for use with Robotech: Clone. As most of these pertain to technology unique to Clone, they are of little use to Non Clone players, unless they are importing some or all of the setting over to their game. The skills all fit into categories already in place in the RPG, and these are listed in Italics after the skill name. No conversion of characters is necessary before they can use these skills, and any OCC bonuses for skill improvement apply to these skills
This skill allows the player to operate the Xalon Tank. The skill is rolled against to make sure the xalon process goes ahead as planned. The skill can be rolled against for repair work on a xalon tank as well. In addition, the player has a full knowledge of the Xalon Process.
Base:75%, +3% per level
This skill imparts upon the player the knowledge of a Xalon Tank's operation and functions. The player can build or repair a Xalon tank, provided he or she has the right materials. This skill can be used to operate a tank, but at -15% of normal skill.
Base:45%, +5% per level
The player can pilot an Iconoclast Veritech in all modes. If the player has this skill, but not Mecha Combat: Iconoclast, then he counts as having Basic Combat training for Iconoclasts. A player with Pilot: Veritech can pilot an Iconoclast at -20% in skill.
Base: 60%, +3 per level
The player can pilot a Crash Hound or Vautomer Jackal. If the player has this skill, but not Mecha Combat: Crash Hound, or Mecha Combat: Vautomer Jackal, then he/she counts as having Basic Combat Training. A player with Pilot: Destroid or Pilot: Battloid can pilot the mecha on the ground, but cannot use the flight modes without some pilot training.
Base: 60%, +5% per level
The player can pilot Shock Diver Atmosphere Drop Suits. If the player has this skill and not Mecha Combat: Shock Divers, he counts as having Basic Combat Training
Base: 60%, +5% per level
A player with this skill counts as having Advanced Combat Training on Iconoclast Veritechs, and Basic Combat training on all other Veritech.
This skill gives a player Advanced Combat training with Crash Hounds, as well as all Destroids and Battloids
This skill gives a player Advanced Combat training with Vautomer Jackals, as well as all Destroids and Battloids
This skill gives the player Advanced Combat Training with Shock Divers, both standard and Punishment Class.