This page is dedicated to the Robotech Comics that contained the Clone storyline. When finished, the covers, plots, and reviews of all the issues will be on line, except for issues I can't get. I hope you enjoy.
Robotech: Aftermath
Ten Years after the departure of the Invid, the heroes of the Third Robotech war are involved in a new struggle: To rebuild the earth with what little technology still works. Following the Belmont storyline of issues # 1-6, Lancer and Annie encounter the IHE in "The Threadbare Heart", detailed below.
Aftermath # 7
Part One of the Threadbare Heart
Lancer and Annie encounter a pair of mecha battling near a village. They attempt to stop them by warding them away using their fusion-powered cyclones, but Lancer ends up destroying one, and Annie collapses. Annie has an out of body experience in which she helps the pilot of the destroyed mecha(fighting on in a suit of armour) destroy the other. Lancer gives her CPR and she recovers, remembering that exposure to protoculture has given her cancer near the heart. She collapses again as the victorious warrior lands near them, and quickly retreats as three more mecha arrive. They knock Lancer out, disembark, and decide to take Aniie with them for questioning
Aftermath # 8
Part Two of The Threadbare Heart
Annie awakes in a strange room with a man sitting, watching her. He is Dr. Gilles Vaudell, leader of the IHE, and he has healed her cancer. He takes her on a tour of his islad, the centrepoint is a new super dimensional fortress - the mordecai. Meanwhile, Demont Vaudell, the woman who survived the battle in #7, introduces herself to Lancer, and he and Annie work out the story together. The IHE is a group of scientists who survived the Robotech Wars by using a Reflex Shield powered by antimatter. They use a device known as a Xalon Tank to keep themselves young and healthy, but in return for a use of the Xalon Tank, the user must perform tasks for the IHE, in other words, in return for food, shelter, and immortality, the IHE citizens must work for the state as scientists, warriors, or whatever. The fortress' living computer, a clone of Gilles named Mordecai Mind had fallen in love with Demont, but she spurned him. For revenge, he rewrote her genetic data to show her as hiding a rare diasese, and created a faulty clone, Vaudell-Sync, to prove this. Demont went on the run, taking Vaudell-Sync, and a spleen combat clone of Demont that Vaudell-Sync used as a body bank in tow. Gilles sent another Spleen clone of her to bring her back. Annie is brought to the Mordecai Mind, who orders her Death for helping Demont.
Aftermath # 9
Part Three of The Threadbare Heart
As Lancer and Demont plan to defeat the Mordecai Mind, Gilles figures that might be the way to go himself, as the Mind refuses to listen to him about Annie's execution order. The Mind takes contol of the spleens and attacks the other IHE citizens. As Gilles goes to war against the clones, Lancer and Vaudell-Sync manage to kill the Mordecai Mind, and Demont and Gilles are reunited. Annie and Lancer return to Belmont.
The Threadbare Heart Graphic Novel
Collects Aftermath #s 7-9, and adds in a schematic of the Mordecai, and texts on the Xalon Process and Clones
Robotech: Clone
Six Months after 'The Threadbare Heart', the IHE arrive in the Andromeda Galaxy, and encounter a new Danger: The Monte Yarrow, a race of extradimensional aliens bent on destroying the universe so that theirs may survive.
Robotech: Clone # 0
The Dialect of Duality Part 1
Gilles writes of the events between 'threadbare heart' and now in his diary: All the spleens bar one, the new Mordecai Mind, are dead, Demont is now living in a mauselum with their bodies preserved. She has a vision of something alive on the planet below them as her Sturznaught squad discusses her sanity. She dons a Shock Diver and goes to the planet, to disocver what she has sensed. It is a dragon-like life form, who steals memories of her mother, and creates a new life form...
Robotech: Clone # 1
The Dialect of Duality Part 2
Gilles disocvers what Demont has done, and leads her squad down to the planet to find her, after suspending team member Rueis Keaguinea from duty over his state of mind. While the group approaches the planet, the life form created below becomes a copy of Demont's mother, boards a ship, and heads for the Mordecai. they pass in space, and The ship rams Mordecai's leg. The alien gets out, and encounters a talking spider, who bites her. On the planet, Gilles and the others find Demont, but she has lapsed into a coma.
Robotech: Clone # 2
The Dialect of Duality Part 3
The two aliens are Una Von Raxe, of the Gottruzello, and Monte Cerros Baux, of the Monte Yarrow. Their races are old enemies and they discuss the origins of their war. They are interrupted by a Sturznaught squad. Una dissapears, and Baux orders her ship, a Glochis Roab Mecha, to attack, and escapes in the confusion. On the planet, a shuttle arrives to take Gilles and the others home.
Robotech: Clone # 3
The Dialect of Duality Part 4
The shuttle is chased by a massive spaceship, which Demont says belongs to the alines who stole her memories. The shuttle barely escapes to the Mordecai, and the IHE prepares for war. Meanwhile, Una and Baux meet again, and Una explains why the Humans will destroy the Monte Yarrow
Robotech: Clone # 4
The Dialect of Duality Part 5
Gilles leads the mecha of the IHE against the Monte Yarrow forces, and fights them to a standstill. The battle is won when Rueis steals an Iconoclast, and folds the command centre of the Monte Yarrow ship to a black hole, and dies in the attempt. At the memorial held for him on Mordecai, Monte Cerros Baux steals a memory of Rueis from Gilles' mind, and uses it to become him. We also learn that The Mordecai Mind knows all about Una.
Robotech: Clone Special
Bibi Ava discovers that, due to a genetic problem, she cannot undergo the Xalon Process. Not wanting to grow old while her friends stay young, she decides to return to erath. However, on the way, she discovers a group of Zentraedi, and teaches them about love with the aid of a Tarot deck. She then decides to retun to the Mordecai, where she is put in stasis.
Robotech: Clone # 5
Ten years after Clone # 4, the Mordecai is caught up in a savage battle with the Monte Yarrow. The only survivor on the planet is Ava 239, a Clone of Bibi Ava, who succumbs to serious injuries later. Her iconoclast, an SRF-5000 AI unit, becoms self aware, and labours to save her. Two months on, Mordecai is still recovering from the battle, lurking near the black hole at the centre of Andromeda, and Gilles plans his next move in the war with the Monte Yarrow...
Robotech: Mordecai
The saga continues ten years on! Una Von Raxe takes control of the Mordecai to lead back to earth, as the last Monte Yarrow alive plan to wipe out the IHE's homeworld. Sadly, This comic was put on hiatus after issue # 1 due to other resposibilities on the part of the creators. It was never finished.
Robotech: Mordecai # 1
Bibi Ava is removed from stasis, cured of her genetic disorder. At the same time, Demont seems to make amends with Gilles, but it is in fact the Mordecai Mind, who desperately wants Gilles to love her. Running the ship in her place is the Una Von Raxe, who takes the ship home to earth to fight the last of the Monte Yarrow... Final issue
Other Appearances
Here we chronicle other appearances of the Mordecai and her crew.
Return to Macross # 15
In a B-plot, Gilles steals tech from the SDF-1
Robotech Comic Calendar 1996
Two pictures. For april, we get Bibi Ava and her Zentraedi adopted daughter enjoying a picnic in the shadow of a cathedral(art by John Scharmen), and October sees Gilles and Demont bobbing for Apples(art by Tavisha Wolfgarth)
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